Take advantage of this perfect end of school event! As you bid students farewell, encourage families to support summer learning while attending this engaging Summer Beach Bash filled with fun activities and games.
Turn an Open House into a Popcorn Party with bags of sweet, savory, or buttery treats. Everyone will “pop in” for a peek at what’s been happening at school from week to week. Make families feel welcome with the addition of this simple snack, whether serving it salty or sweet.
Parents take the wheel using the Reading Rates: The Need for Speed Handout to pace their children’s reading rate as they adjust speed for different texts and purposes of reading.
We believe successful family engagement does not simply hinge on a school filled with parents; instead, we think the best indicator for success is having homes filled with parents equipped to support their children's learning. Browse Our 2 Cents to gain insightful ideas and tips as you lift families in your school.